Job and Volunteer Opportunities


                              ZONE REPRESENTATIVES NEEDED FOR 2026 BC SUMMER GAMES



SOFTBALL BC is looking for volunteers to join us in organizing teams for the Kelowna Summer Games. These are the province's premiere multi sport event, taking place every two years since 1978, and in many cases are the highlight of an athlete's year.   

It is an important piece in our high performance development pathway for athletes, coaches and officials. The games are broken down into eight (8) zones, with each zone having one girl's softball team representing them at the competition. The zone rep is integral to the formation and identification of each zone team. In this role, you will be asked to assist the Provincial Advisor and the Assistant Provincial Advisor in recruiting and selecting the coaching staff for your respective zone. Responsibilities also include organizing zone selection camps, ensuring all eligible athletes have an opportunity to attend selection camps. Managing registration of athletes and coaches, collecting the participant fees and providing financial oversight are some of the other duties which the zone rep is required to manage.

Applications are being accepted until January 31st, 2025. Zone Rep Application 


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