Foundations of Coaching Softball

NCCP Foundations of Coaching Softball: How to Access 

Download our friendly user guide HERE


  • Step 2: click on e-learning.
  • Step 3: click on the arrow in the dropdown box on the upper left corner and choose Softball.
    Step 4: click on Foundations of Softball part 1 or 2.
    Step 5: pay and begin


Important NCCP Changes as of 2020

There are some important changes coming forward for 2020 in regard to NCCP certification. 



New to Coaching Softball?

For any new coaches to softball (no previous softball NCCP training), the Foundations of Coaching Softball - Part 1 online module will be a pre-requisite for the Community Softball stream of coaching. Coaches must complete this before they can obtain Community Softball Trained status on their NCCP transcript.

New to Coaching Softball at the A/B Classification Level?

For any new coaches to the Competition Introduction stream (with no previous softball NCCP training), the Foundation of Coaching Softball - Part 1 and 2 will both be pre-requisites. Coaches will not obtain Competition Introduction Certified status unless both of these online modules have been completed.

Looking for PD Points?  Already taken NCCP Training?

Coaches who have previous softball specific NCCP training will not have to take Foundations of Coaching Softball. They can still take it to obtain PD points if they are at a Certified status (Competition Introduction or Competition Development).

Where do I find the Foundation of Coaching Softball modules?

Click here:

or log into the NCCP Locker: NCCP Locker , click on e-learning, then choose Softball in the drop-down box.


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